Saturday, February 13, 2010

Having issues leaving comments on blogs?

 For the past few weeks I have had problems leaving comments on some blogs- I finally googled it and found out that if you use the newest version of Firefox as your browser you will not be able to leave comments unless the comments section of someone's blog is set to be a pop-up, or full page, instead of it being embedded. I changed mine in settings/ comments and it will work that way -  but to all of you who have it set to embed- there are lots of folks who can't leave you comments until they fix this!  Anyone that knows of another  fix- please leave a comment!


Kathryn Lantz said...

seriously!? Man that may be why some people have written me on facebook saying they can't leave a comment! I have my comments embedded.. I must go fix it!
Hopefully they fix it soon :)

PepperPi Pals said...

Hi there :)

I love your blog and I have awarded you with The Sunshine Blog Award!

Click here for details:

Kindest wishes

Carol said...

Oh funny! I saw your comment about this in a forum and convo'd you with the solution. Then I read this post....
Yes there is a fix. Click on tools - options. Check "accept third party cookies". Happy to report it worked for me :-)

Divine3Designs said...

I checked and I had third party cookies already checked. I unchecked and rechecked to see if that will fix it- thanks for the suggestion!

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